Best 5 Online Counseling Therapy In Mumbai

Online Counseling Therapy In Mumbai

 People of this generation mostly prefer to have online services right? These are convenient and affordable at the same time. Starting from food, outfits, and treatments all are easily available with just one tap. But it has some limitations too. Due to our laziness, we keep ignoring them but in reality, nothing can be compared with an offline consultation, when it comes to mental health. Online counseling Therapy in Mumbai is getting more acceptance from the people and several studies are also saying online mode is going to be the only option for mental health therapies. 

 Being the most convenient option it has some other limitations as well. Here in this blog, we’ll let you know about the militations. Before going for any psychotherapy, knowing these facts is essential for you. So let’s get to know them first.

  • Less Clarity 

When you’re consulting a psychotherapist on an online platform that means they are not able to check your BP level and other physical activity. Depending on the symptoms that you’re having, they try to provide you with suitable therapy. And this is the reason you and your doctor can’t have a deep clarity about all your issues. On the other hand, when you go for an offline checkup they will do all the primary tests first, like BP checking, weight checking, your confidence level, your expressions, and so many others. For a fast recovery observing these things is highly needed.

  • Unavailability In Critical Situations 

If you’re in the advanced stage of any psychological issues like depression or anxiety, then sometimes situations can go out of your control. You might suffer from sudden panic attacks and that time consulting your doctor is very important.  With online consultation, it is quite impossible. As the platforms are entirely based on technology and an internet connection, there will be technical faults, power cuts, and so many others. But the traditional way has zero obstacles. This is the reason along with online professionals you should also consult someone for offline sessions according to your conditions.

  • No Facility From The Insurance Companies

In India, most insurance companies do not include psychological issues in their packages. But still, there are some companies who include. Aside from this if you go for the online counseling process then there will be a high chance for your insurance company to not cover it. If you’re taking this kind of counseling for the very first time then just think about these facts. Having insurance services is important because depending on the severity the expenses can be increased. Most importantly before you confirm the online counseling in India make sure you compare the price range with others. 

  • Confidentiality Can Be Interrupted 

This is a generation full of technology and AI (artificial intelligence) so you need to be very careful about your privacy and confidentiality. In most cases therapists make their own software platform to take the therapy sessions. So make it very sure that the platform is completely secured and they will protect your privacy in all aspects. Many studies have already reported privacy violations so be enough careful.

  •  Not Allowing The Inter state Therapists

We’ve seen many cities, states, and countries, that do not allow the outside therapist to treat patients. It can be an entirely separate rule depending on the company’s cities and countries. Before you for any consultation randomly make sure you do all the research about rules and regulations. Otherwise, it can be considered as a criminal offense. Also, your general or family physician can also guide you in the right direction.

 In today’s generation, nothing can be more convenient than online services. In fact, the online therapy as well. But before confirming any consultation make sure you think about all the above-mentioned facts. This will help you to make the best decision and you’ll experience a faster recovery as well. Make sure you don’t delay in having treatments, no matter whether it’s online or offline, because a little bit of delay in treatment can cause several symptoms.

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