Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It’s a serious medical condition that affects millions of people. Those struggling …
12 Things To Say To Someone Who Is Depressed

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Feeling lost or extremely sad about something? Then the depression session is your secret key to happiness.
Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It’s a serious medical condition that affects millions of people. Those struggling …
Psycho disorders are an extremely common issue in every family. Well, the major factor behind all our psycho disorders is always lifestyle. Not only due …
Depression is a very common and easily curable mental disorder. But you’ve to start the treatment right on time. Delay in overall treatment will never …
If you’ve been suffering from depression and anxiety for a very long time, then you must have tried therapies. To be a little straightforward, the …
When you consult a psychotherapist for depression they always suggest doing some physical exercise. No matter how famous a therapist you’re consulting this suggestion will …
Depression has many varieties and it can affect people at any time and at any age. In the same way, postpartum depression (PPD) is also …
Depression is becoming a very random health issue in today’s generation. Due to poor lifestyle and food habits, people are getting depressed very easily. Aside …
The way people take their physical health seriously, they never take their mental health that seriously. But without good mental health, you can’t expect to …