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More than a psychological or neurological disorder, it is a developmental disorder for kids. The symptoms won’t be visible right after birth but they will be visible within the first 2 years for sure. Parents might identify this autism spectrum disorder by noticing their communication, behaviors, interactions with strangers, speech and so many others. With proper treatment, love, attention, and most importantly therapy, your kid can get 100% cured. This is the reason many people prefer to go for online mental health counseling in Jaipur, because the way professionals can do the counseling, no other people can do so. 

This is the reason, why here in this blog we will be discussing all the 5 types of natural therapy you can easily do at your home. According to many people, continuing counseling sessions becomes a little tougher due to financial reasons. This is why conducting these things at home can be a sustainable option. So without any further ado let’s know them first.

  • Speech Therapy 

If your kid is autistic then, a common thing will be visible, and that language and speaking skills. Therefore the professional always suggests going for special speech therapies right after autism is identified. With the help of speech therapy, professionals can cure this disorder entirely. But being a parent you can also start it at your home as well. But before that how severe the disorder is for your kid. If you make some time in a day and use different types of signs, pictures, and gestures, it can be extremely beneficial for your kind. Aside from this parents can also try electronic devices for speech therapy.

  • ABA Or Applied Behavioural Analysis

Behavioral issues are the basic symptoms in autistic kids. Well, this is the reason your kid needs special care and special therapies for a 100% cure. According to many studies ABA can be harmful but if you follow your own way according to your child’s capacity then there will be nothing harmful anymore. Read the below-mentioned points for clarity,

  1. You should select your own way to teach your kid about normal behaviors. For example, eating. 
  2.  If your kid is unable to do it on their own, break the process into a few steps. Began with hand washing.
  3. First, you do the step and let your kid follow you entirely.
  4. Once they complete the first step, don’t forget to give rewards. 
  5. Once the first step is over then only teach them the next step. 
  6. Always remember to have patience, as it might take a long time.
  7. Play Therapy 

Play therapy is always the most beneficial therapy for all autistic people. Especially if you identify it within 1 or 2 years. As the name suggests, play therapy also rectifies behaviors, thought processes, and speech through a playful session. Autistic kids are more likely to play alone, but this therapy will also help them to stay connected with friends and family as well. So try to get online mental health counseling in India for your kid and do the same session at your home as well, by following all their suggestions. 

  • RDI Or Relationship Development Intervention 

Relationship development intervention is also a very important therapy for all people with autism patients. As we already know autistic kids are not comfortable in social communication, but by following the rules and innovative strategies of RDI one can easily learn to cope with strangers, and they will be comfortable in communicating with unknown people. They will not hide or run out of any kind of challenging situations. If you consult one of the best professionals for this therapy, then they will certainly guide you in the best possible way. However, this therapy needs to be a consistent one.

 The efforts of every parent play a crucial role in everyone’s life, but when it comes to autistic children, this becomes the ultimate fact. Autistic kids will never turn into a normal person unless their parents are taking any special initiatives. So this is the best time now to understand your child first and then consider spending enough time for their bright future, especially the parents of today’s generation.

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